[READ] Course Outline

Congratulations for choosing to do this course! It will be a game changer not only for you but for everyone who knows you. 

Let’s start by asking a simple question:


Man looking at his reflection in thw mirror

It’s an important question because how you live as a man will have an impact on many people throughout your lifetime. Think about it carefully. The choice about what kind of man you will be is in your hands.

Every man wants his life to count, to make a difference, to be respected and to be remembered with love and appreciation for the value he added to the world. At his core, every man wants to be a good man. But not every man knows how. There is a lot of confusion today about what it means to be a man. There is also a lot of negativity about masculinity. Men often feel on the back foot, as if being a man is a bad thing and masculinity is something to be ashamed of. The opposite is true! Authentic masculinity is a great gift to the world. Men are made to be a powerful force for good. And you can be such a man.

Imagine a world in which men take collective responsibility for the safety of the women, children and other men in their community; in which men don’t stand for racism, prejudice, corruption or abuse of power in any way but speak up and act against anything and everything that is harmful to people and society.

Imagine if instead of having gangs of men doing crime and drugs, we had gangs of men doing great deeds to build society.

Imagine a world in which the norm for masculinity is to love, serve, protect and to use its strength for good!

We can build such a world. Starting with you.

As men we have a rich heritage of heroism, bravery, sacrifice and service running through our veins. Embedded in our DNA is the desire and capacity to fight for what is right, stand against what is bad and use our strength only for good. Think of the millions of men who lost their lives fighting to protect the world against evils such as Nazism, the countless men in emergency services who daily put their own lives in danger to save the lives of others and the men who daily tackle tough and often dangerous jobs to build a safe and prosperous world for all.

Of course, men have also been responsible for much abuse and destruction. But that is not true masculinity. Only false, unhealthy, distorted masculinity harms, abuses or takes from others. True masculinity loves, serves, protects and does its best to provide. True masculinity is committed to eliminating any way in which masculine strength is or has been used for harm. And that’s why the very first question you need to answer on your journey to manhood is, what kind of man do you want to be?

Healthy masculinity is not developed by taming, suppressing or denying masculine strength; healthy masculinity grows and flourishes when we acknowledge it, celebrate it and harness it for good. 

The real heroes and champions of our world are not the sportsmen, music stars and actors who receive trophies and awards on public platforms. The real heroes and champions are the ordinary men who get up every day and do their best to live as good men, caring for people and planet, no matter how tough the circumstances.

This short course will show you how to be the powerful force for good you were made to be and equip you to be the man you are destined to become. For the sake of this course we will call a good, virtuous man a Champion Man.

Course instructions and outline:

  • The course consists of seven modules.
  • Each module is made up of three parts: a video clip, some reading material and an exercise for you to complete.
  • Start each module by watching the video then read the material before completing the exercise at the end of the module.
  • Make sure you do the exercises as this is where you start applying the principles to your life in a real and practical way. Knowledge without action is wasted!
  • The final module is a call to action and will give you a plan for putting into practice everything you will have learnt.

Get ready to change yourself and the world! 🙌🏽

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